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Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance

Tax Advisory

Tax Advisory

Tax Advisory



Tax Compliance

Tax compliance in China is often a major hurdle for foreign enterprises, with tax laws in Chinese and vast differences in tax treatment, filing and payment procedures, depending on the business activity and location of business. Having a reliable tax agent can save you significant time and money as well as the hassle of navigating the complex tax systems and regulatory framework.



Tax Advisory

This calls for an in-depth knowledge of local tax laws and cross-border tax considerations. An understanding of how your business can tap any incentives and grants offered by various governments or benefit from tax treaties of various jurisdictions is as crucial.

Structuring your investment properly will ensure tax efficiency and proper income repatriation. Our tax advisory division can help you structure your overseas investments to optimise your tax position so as to minimise tax liabilities and manage your tax risks worldwide.